PowerPoint Keyboard Shortcuts for quickly creating and editing presentations
Microsoft PowerPoint is a popular application for creating presentations and slide decks to use in any business, learning some of the most used keyboards shortcuts can save you a lot of time. Here is a guide to the most useful. keyboard shortcuts in PowerPoint. |
Function Keys |
Display Help or the Office Assistant |
SHIFT+F1 | Start context-sensitive Help |
F2 | Select the text box (with text or an object selected inside the text box) or select the text within a text box (with the text box selected) |
ALT+F2 | Carry out Save As command |
ALT+SHIFT+F2 | Carry out Save command (File menu) |
SHIFT+F3 | Change the case of letters |
F4 | Repeat the last action |
SHIFT+F4 | Repeat the last Find (Find Next) |
CTRL+F4 | Close the window |
ALT+F4 | Quit PowerPoint |
ALT+SHIFT+F4 | Quit PowerPoint |
F5 | Carry out Slide Show command (View menu) |
CTRL+F5 | Restore the presentation window size |
ALT+F5 | Restore the program window size |
F6 | Move to the next pane |
SHIFT+F6 | Move to the previous pane |
CTRL+F6 | Move to the next presentation window |
CTRL+SHIFT+F6 | Move to the previous presentation window |
F7 | Carry out Spelling command (Tools menu) |
CTRL+F7 | Carry out Move command (presentation Control menu) |
ALT+F7 | Find next misspelling (Automatic Spell Checking enabled) |
CTRL+F8 | Carry out Size command (presentation Control menu) |
F10 | Activate the menu bar |
SHIFT+F10 | Display a shortcut menu |
CTRL+F10 | Maximize the presentation window |
ALT+F10 | Maximize the program window |
CTRL+SHIFT+F10 | Activate the menu bar |
ALT+F11 | Display Visual Basic code |
F12 | Carry out Save As command (File menu) |
SHIFT+F12 | Carry out Save command (File menu) |
CTRL+F12 | Carry out Open command (File menu) |
CTRL+SHIFT+F12 | Carry out Print command (File menu) |
Keys for working with presentations |
CTRL+N | Create a new presentation |
CTRL+M | Insert a new slide |
CTRL+D | Make a copy of the selected slide |
CTRL+O | Open a presentation |
CTRL+W | Close a presentation |
CTRL+P | Print a presentation |
CTRL+S | Save a presentation |
F5 | Run a presentation |
ALT+F4 | Quit PowerPoint |
CTRL+F | Find text, formatting, and special items |
CTRL+H | Replace text, specific formatting, and special items |
CTRL+K | Insert a hyperlink |
F7 | Check spelling |
ESC | Cancel an action |
CTRL+Z | Undo an action |
CTRL+Y | Redo or repeat an action |
F6 | Switch to the next pane (clockwise) |
SHIFT+F6 | Switch to the previous pane (counterclockwise) |
Keys for browsing hyperlinks in a slide show |
Go to the first or next hyperlink |
SHIFT+TAB | Go to the last or previous hyperlink |
Perform the "mouse click" behavior of the selected hyperlink |
SHIFT+ENTER while a hyperlink is selected |
Perform the "mouse over" behavior of the selected hyperlink |
Keys for deleting and copying text and objects |
BACKSPACE | Delete one character to the left |
CTRL+BACKSPACE | Delete one word to the left |
DELETE | Delete one character to the right |
CTRL+DELETE | Delete one word to the right |
CTRL+X | Cut selected object |
CTRL+C | Copy selected object |
CTRL+V | Paste cut or copied object |
CTRL+Z | Undo the last action |
Keys for moving around in text |
LEFT ARROW | One character to the left |
RIGHT ARROW | One character to the right |
UP ARROW | One line up |
DOWN ARROW | One line down |
CTRL+LEFT ARROW | One word to the left |
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW | One word to the right |
END | To the end of a line |
HOME | To the beginning of a line |
CTRL+UP ARROW | Up one paragraph |
CTRL+DOWN ARROW | Down one paragraph |
CTRL+END | To the end of a text box |
CTRL+HOME | To the beginning of a text box |
CTRL+ENTER | To the next title or body text placeholder (see note) |
SHIFT+F4 | To repeat the last Find action |
Keys for selecting text and objects |
SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW | One character to the right |
SHIFT+LEFT ARROW | One character to the left |
CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW | To the end of a word |
CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW | To the beginning of a word |
SHIFT+UP ARROW | One line up |
SHIFT+DOWN ARROW | One line down |
ESC | An object (with text selected inside the object) |
TAB or SHIFT+TAB until the object you want is selected |
An object (with an object selected) |
ENTER | Text within an object |
CTRL+A (in the slide pane) | All objects |
CTRL+A (in slide sorter view) | All slides |
CTRL+A (in the outline pane) | All text |
Change or resize the font |
CTRL+SHIFT+P | Change the font size |
CTRL+SHIFT+> | Increase the font size |
CTRL+SHIFT+< | Decrease the font size |
CTRL+SHIFT+F | Change the font |
Apply character formats |
CTRL+T | Change the formatting of characters (Font command, Format menu) |
SHIFT+F3 | Change the case of letters |
CTRL+B | Apply bold formatting |
CTRL+U | Apply an underline |
CTRL+I | Apply italic formatting |
CTRL+EQUAL SIGN | Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing) |
CTRL+SHIFT+PLUS SIGN | Apply superscript formatting (automatic spacing) |
CTRL+SPACEBAR | Remove manual character formatting |
Copy text formats |
CTRL+SHIFT+C | Copy formats |
CTRL+SHIFT+V | Paste formats |
Align paragraphs |
CTRL+E | Center a paragraph |
CTRL+J | Justify a paragraph |
CTRL+L | Left align a paragraph |
CTRL+R | Right align a paragraph |
Slide show controls |
N, ENTER, PAGE DOWN, RIGHT ARROW, DOWN ARROW, or the SPACEBAR (or click the mouse) | Perform the next animation or advance to the next slide |
P, PAGE UP, LEFT ARROW, UP ARROW, or BACKSPACE | Perform the previous animation or return to the previous slide |
<number>+ENTER | Go to slide <number> |
B or PERIOD | Display a black screen, or return to the slide show from a black screen |
W or COMMA | Display a white screen, or return to the slide show from a white screen |
S or PLUS SIGN | Stop or restart an automatic slide show |
ESC, CTRL+BREAK, or HYPHEN | End a slide show |
E | Erase on-screen annotations |
H | Go to next hidden slide |
T | Set new timings while rehearsing |
O | Use original timings while rehearsing |
M | Use mouse-click to advance while rehearsing |
Both mouse buttons for 2 seconds | Return to the first slide |
CTRL+P | Redisplay hidden pointer and/or change the pointer to a pen |
CTRL+A | Redisplay hidden pointer and/or change the pointer to an arrow |
CTRL+H | Hide the pointer and button immediately |
CTRL+U | Hide the pointer and button in 15 seconds |
SHIFT+F10 (or right-click) | Display the shortcut menu |
TAB | Go to the first or next hyperlink on a slide |
SHIFT+TAB | Go to the last or previous hyperlink on a slide |
ENTER while a hyperlink is selected | Perform the "mouse click" behavior of the selected hyperlink |
SHIFT+ENTER while a hyperlink is selected | Perform the "mouse over" behavior of the selected hyperlink |